Water Filtration
Reports now suggest that the public water supplies of some major cities contain trace levels of up to 500 pollutants, including prescription drugs, hormones, petroleum products, pesticides and heavy metals. The role for additional home water filtration has never been more clear. In general terms, most would agree that whilst carbon filtration systems are clearly the cheapest, reverse osmosis and high quality distiller water systems are generally recognised as the most efficient for removal of pollutants. However, some health researchers now suggest that further consideration of drinking water quality should include its mineral content, bacterial stability, energetic structure and water viscosity, all playing additional roles in how well the body is able to utilise the water we consume.
Safe Cleaning Products
Almost all commercial household cleaning products contain highly toxic man made chemicals. Aerosol sprays have now been linked to asthma, reproductive problems and liver damage. Carpet and upholstery cleaners contain perchlorethylene, a carcinogen that is known to cause damage to liver, kidneys and nervous system. Furniture polishes contain petroleum distillates which have been linked to skin and lung cancer. The results of mixing these chemicals, their cross reactions and synergistic effects have never been tested. Yet within our heavily insulated, non-breathable modern homes, fumes from these agents may be concentrated up to 10 times higher than the maximum health and safety standards that would be tolerated outside our homes. The time has come to return to more natural, traditional cleaning techniques which are both safer for the environment and our families.